During my time working in the outdoors I have use a wide range of reviewing techniques. My top 5 are my go to as they use little amount of equipment but also are use full for a full range of ages and type of groups.
1, Tree Scale
Age; Primary Sch
Equipment; None
The way this works is you have to come up with 3-5 questions and depending on whether they agree or not they use a tree to show there answer. So if they don't they are a seed if they strongly agree they make them selves like a tree. From this information you can ask a follow up question if you like.
2, Time Line
Age; year 5 +
Equipment; Rope
This is a good way of using a graph as a reviewing technique and you can talk about the different ups and down and what they did to get out of the low points or why they spent a long time in the high point etc. So you lay the rope on the floor and get them to visualize they journey and how productive or what there emotion levels where like during the session / activity and use the rope to go up and down.
3, Scale
Age; Secondary Sch
Equipment; None
Very simply, using the space you have mark out “agree” and “disagree” zones and the space between is the “sort of” zone. Once the group understand the zones you simply ask questions on what they have just done and get the individuals to move appropriately. Once again you can ask why they are standing where they are to get more learning.
4, Spokes
Age; Teenagers
Equipment, many be Blindfolds but you can do this with your eyes closed.
Once again this is a scale exercise where they stand in a circle and the center is agree and further away form the center is how much you disagree. But I do this blind folded for each question so they don't follow there mates, also when they open there eyes they are visually accountable for they answer and you can ask a follow up question and wait for an answer from the group. And teenagers are normally quite honest.
5, 3 Questions
Age; All but mainly adults
Equipment; None
This is very simple if you make the group aware at the start of the activity. So all you have to do is ask What went well? What didn't go so well? What you going to do differently? And allow your group to answer and self lead the conversion, the only thing you may have to do with adults is chair the conversation so they don't spend 10 min talking about 1 thing!
I hope this helps with your reviewing session, comment below on what techniques you use during your sessions?